Saturday 24 March 2012

Here comes the Bride.. Wait a moment, who are you?!

The Doctor arrives in 'Hegg' minus the Tardis but plus not one but two blushing Brides!

With the action movie packed summer we have ahead of us it was nice to see a little romance to get us through spring. What's even better than a love story with a hilarious cast? When that story is set in your very own country (albeit a fake island within said country but hey let bygones be bygones). That's right a romcom set in the bonny land of the Scots! With West Lothian born David John McDonald (best known as the charming David Tennant of the Doctor Who legacy) leading the charge the film is a must-see chick flick! Set on the fictional island of 'Hegg' in the Scottish highlands (actually filmed partly on the Isle of Man and partly in the surrounding areas of Inverary and castles in Dumfries) the film follows writer James (a charismatic David Tennant) who escapes to the island with his fiancée Lara (the beautiful Alice Eve) who is a mega star being chased by the relentless paparazzi. 
The couple choose the island in the hope of being able to be married in peace however chaos ensues and Lara flees. Her management team (led by the hilarious Michael Urie of the Ugly Betty franchise) decide to stage a fake wedding in her absence in hopes of getting rid of the pesky paps! They hire feisty local girl, Katie (played by the amazing Kelly MacDonald - Trainspotting 1996) who unbeknownst to them is nursing a broken heart. They pay her to be a 'decoy bride' and of course hilarity follows. James and Katie at first do nothing but quarrel constantly however, as in every good rom-com, as they spend more and more time together... well you know how it goes... A film perfect for a girls night in with one or two cosmos!

Who's that behind the veil David?

Wednesday 21 March 2012

An apology,

Just a quick apology to my wonderful viewers (hit the 170 on the ol' hitometer woot woot!) for the lack of updates recently! Sadly Uni work got the better of me and deadlines were a'looming! But never fear, I'm back! I shall be updating almost everyday to keep you up-to-date with the film buzz in the 'Gow!!
